Salers Gentiane Apertif (750 ml)
One of the most classic French aperitifs is a pour of gentiane liqueur on the rocks with a squeeze of lemon. Salers is the oldest gentian liqueur of the Massif Central, birthplace to this style of product. It distinguishes itself with a pure, firm, rustic earthy profile. Unlike its larger rivals, Salers is less sweet and does not add artificial yellow color, revealing a beautiful natural straw color. Enjoy with ice and lemon, lemonade, in the Blond Negroni with gin and Dolin blanc, or as an earthy base note in a variety of cocktails. With the addition of a pinch of salt, Salers takes on herbal, tequila-like flavors.
Serving Suggestions: On a summer afternoon Salers is refreshing with San Pellegrino Limonata or other sweetened lemon sodas. The low alcohol, cost and drinkability make this drink perfect for a Happy Hour menu. Don’t want to use a commercial soda? Shake up Salers, lemon juice and honey, pour over ice and top with club soda. Salers also loves raspberries—muddle a few with a lemon slice.