Heaven’s Door Refuge Straight Rye Whiskey (750 ml)
Refuge Straight Rye Whiskey is aged for 6-8 years, blended to ensure consistent maturity has been reached and then finished in Amontillado Sherry casks, boasting a sweet, fruity characteristic that is distinctively rich and refined with notes of dried fruits and a delicate, spicy finish.
Amontillado Sherry is a drier aperitif, which complements our 100% rye mash with notes of leather, nutmeg, and tobacco. The finishing is a delicate process as the rye has already aged over 6 years and reached the desired extraction of oak. Typically, we finish for up to six months, however, weather and seasons play a momentous roll in in aging and extraction, keeping our blenders on their toes and constantly curating our spirits.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Rich and complex, with notes of dark fruit, oak, and spice. The sherry cask finish adds a layer of sweetness and depth to our whiskey, creating a nose that is both fruity and spicy.
- Palate: Our rye whiskey’s characteristic spiciness is balanced by the amontillado sherry cask’s sweetness and fruitiness. The palate features flavors of dried fruit, honey, caramel, and vanilla, as well as a warming, spicy kick.