The Whistler Irish Cream Liqueur (750 ml)
This cream liqueur combines the freshest Irish cream, with the pinnacle of Irish whiskey. This creates an Irish cream with true depth, flavor and fantastic whiskey undertones.
Definitely rich and luxurious! The cat’s meow of Irish Cream Liqueurs. Whistled into life one fabled New Year’s Eve, this whiskey has notes of family tradition and history. A passion for brands and beverages with forty years’ wealth of experience in the Irish drinks industry, the Cooney family understands what it takes to create great tasting beverages and successful brands.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Milk Chocolate and fresh cream and a hint of caramel fill the glass.
- Palate: Big and creamy
- Finish: Smooth whiskey from the pot still whiskey and a soft and decadent creamy finish.