Loch Lomond 12 Year Single Malt Scotch (750 ml)
Loch Lomond 12 year old is a perfect representation of our signature style, delivering delicious notes of peach and pear, layered with vanilla sweetness and a gentle hint of smoke on the finish. Single Malt is a perfect representation of our signature style, delivering delicious notes of peach and pear layered with vanilla sweetness and a gentle hint of smoke on the finish.
Loch Lomond 12 year old is crafted in the shadow of Ben Lomond, using our unique. Straight Neck stills and more traditional. Swan Neck Stills, before being aged in three varieties of American Oak casks – bourbon, refill and re-charred. Bottled at 46% and non-chill filtered to keep things are nature intended.
This perfectly balanced expression is brought together by Michael Henry, our Master Blender, whose signature on each bottle is our personal assurance of quality.