Cadenheads Old Raj Gin 700 Ml
A premium strength Scottish gin flavoured with saffron – one of the world’s most prized commodities. It has a gently spicy flavour, and a faintly yellow hue. Bottled at 55% ABV.
First introduced in 1972, Old Raj Dry Gin is made by WM Cadenhead, an independent bottler based in Scotland. Two versions of Old Raj are produced, each with different ABVs. Both gin styles are made with nine botanicals: juniper berries, orange and lemon peel, coriander seed, angelica root, orris root, cassia bark, almond powder and saffron. All of the botanicals are distilled with the base spirit except saffron, which is infused with gin following distillation because of its delicacy. This gin product is bottled at 55% ABV and is sometimes referred to as “Old Raj ‘Blue Label'” to differentiate from its higher-ABV counterpart (which uses a red label).