Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin (750 ml)
Gin combined with Yarra Valley grapes? Bloody brilliant. This crazy experiment using our original Rare Dry Gin steeped with local cool climate Shiraz grapes has become a cult-favourite, the perfect balance of sweet fruit and ginny goodness. This year’s drop has been bottled up in a limited-edition design by Australian artist, Luke Lucas, so you can enjoy it long after the gin & juice is gone.
It all started with Shiraz grapes found at the back of a mate’s winery in 2015. And ever since its first vintage release, this experiment that worked has been a happy shock to the senses for all who try it. From its dark purple colour to its natural grape sweetness, it’s the perfect balance of citrus, spice, sweet fruit and ginny goodness.
Our gin distillery is in Melbourne’s Yarra Valley, beautiful cool climate wine country. We’d have to be crazy not to take advantage of it.