Four Pillars Fresh Yuzu Gin (750 ml)
We’ve had a thing for yuzu for a while now, and with three limited-edition trial runs under our belts, we’re ready to launch the newest member of our core range: a stand-alone, honed and perfected Fresh Yuzu Gin. A bright, aromatic and (yes) fresh dry gin made with locally-grown yuzu and inspired by our adventures making gin with Japanese friends.
At Four Pillars, we’ve always had a well-known love of bright flavours and the cornucopia of great Australian-grown citrus.
It started with oranges in Rare Dry Gin, finger limes in Navy Strength Gin and continued through blood orange, grapefruit, cumquat and bergamot – the list goes on. In fact, if you can name a citrus, chances are we’ve distilled it.
Over the past four or five years, there’s been another citrus slowly edging its way into our hearts. It’s yellow and looks pretty ugly (it’s all in the eye of the beholder, of course) but it tastes and distills great. Yep, we’re talking about the mighty yuzu.