Herb Garden Pink Elderflower & Jasmine Gin (750 ml)
Secret Garden Gins are lovingly crafted using 100% natural ingredients. There are no added sugars, artificial colourings, flavourings or additives….just nature distilled. The botanicals are hand-harvested and dried naturally to ensure the highest quality.
Secret Garden Gins reflect the artistry of The Secret Garden Distillery and the wonders of nature in developing beautifully crafted natural Gins.
Hand harvested Elderflower and Jasmine are distilled and blended with Juniper, Coriander, Angelica Root and Winter Savory to create a gin that is perfectly balanced. Naturally floral in fragrance, with hints of exotic fruits, make this a beautifully fragrant Gin to enjoy.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Delicate and floral
- Taste: Crisp dry base with strong floral notes
- Finish: A fresh, floral dry finish