Kings County Straight Bourbon (750 ml)
Kings County Distillery is New York City’s premier craft distillery and among the most acclaimed small distilleries in the United States. Focused exclusively on whiskeys, Kings County has made a name for its Bourbon, Peated Bourbon, Empire Rye and other creative whiskeys. We only distill whiskey for our label and we never sell whiskey made from any other source.
Kings County Distillery Straight Bourbon is a bourbon made like a scotch whiskey. We use 80% New York organic corn and 20% English Golden Promise barley for a high-malt recipe that forgoes the wheat or rye typical of Kentucky bourbons. This mash is then double pot distilled for a rich and flavorful white spirit. After aging in a variety of new charred oak barrels for anywhere between 3 and 6 years, our bourbon is carefully blended to ensure quality and complexity. With prominent notes of caramel and vanilla, as well as undertones of dark berries, this bottle is cited frequently in lists of best craft bourbons.