Myers’s Original Dark Rum (750 ml)
Enjoy the unique taste of Caribbean rum with Myers’s Original Dark Rum. With the initial aroma of mahogany and charred wood, our dark rum satisfies with a mildly sweet and moderately full-bodied palate of dark caramel and toasted coconut husks. Made with Jamaican molasses, our 100% fine Jamaican rum is expertly boiled, fermented and distilled using both column and pot stills. Matured for up to 4 years in white oak barrels, our rum adds a delicious kick to cocktails and traditional cooking recipes.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Notes of blackstrap molasses, hints of coffee, celery, allspice, hazelnut, and toffee with a subtle layer of ripe pineapple.
- Palate: Buttery upon entry and followed by sweet sugar cane, caramel, tobacco, leather, honey, dark chocolate with elements of raisin and fig. The finish has a decadent dark chocolate character with brown sugar and smokiness with underlying oak notes.