Saint George Green Chile Vodka (750 ml)
With its vibrant vegetality, subtle sweetness, and a light touch of heat, this distinctive and mouthwatering vodka celebrates the kaleidoscope of flavor found in fresh sweet and hot peppers.
We use five varieties of locally grown fresh peppers (jalapeños, serranos, habañeros, red and yellow bell peppers) to build layers of sweet, savory flavor and subtle heat. Lime peel and fresh cilantro impart even more depth of flavor, adding a chef’s touch.
St. George Green Chile Vodka is remarkably fresh, with a juicy, vegetal quality that makes it both unique and delicious. The nose is rich and earthy. The palate is soft and fruit-forward, supported by the herbal complexity of the cilantro and the tang of the lime peel. It finishes with a light touch of heat.